
凭借对那个时代发生的大事的浓厚兴趣,埃尔热将历史时间和虚构情节巧妙结合。通过他的明快的绘画艺术和清晰的叙述能力,埃尔热为欧洲的漫画夺得了极高的荣誉。 Interested in all was happening at the time,Hergé collected a century's worth of mythic andhistoric imagery. Through his illustrative artand narrative science, he gave the European comic strip its badge of honor.
1907 Georges Rémi is born in Brussels, Belgium, May 22. 1907年5月22日,Georges Remi 在比利时的布鲁赛尔出生。

1920 The young boy begins his studies at the Collège Saint -Boniface in Brussels; he is bored to tears.   1920年,年轻的Georges 在布鲁赛尔的圣邦尼菲斯学校开始学业。
1921 He joins the scout troop at his high school,where he receives the nickname "Curious Fox." His  first drawings appear in Jamais assez, his school scouting magazine, and starting in 1923 in Le Boy-scout belge, the monthly magazine of Le Boy-Scout Belge (the Belgian Boy Scouts). 1921年,埃尔热在高中参加了童子军,在那里他获得绰号:“好奇的狐狸”。他的第一部绘画作品出现童子军学校杂志Jamais assez上。并于1923年开始连载在月刊比利时童子军上。
1924 From this point forward, Georges Rémi will sign his drawings with the name Hergé, from his initials "R.G." (as pronounced in French). 1924年,Georges Remi开始使用Herge这个笔名。Herge的发音和他的名字的开头字母R G的法语发音相同。
1925 His schooling now finished, Georges Rémi is hired by the newspaper Le Vingtième siècle as a worker in the subscription department. 
1925年,埃尔热毕业,在Le Vingtieme siecle报纸的订阅部作工人。
1926 He creates Totor, Leader of the Cockchafer Patrol (a precursor to Tintin) in Le Boy-scout belge. 1926年,埃尔热在杂志 比利时童子军 上创造乐Totor, Leader of the Cockchafer Patrol《冒失鬼巡逻队长托托尔》,这是丁丁的前身。
1927 Georges Rémi performs his military duty. 1927年,埃尔热服兵役。
1928 On return to Brussels, Hergé is named editor-in-chief of Le Petit vingtième, the weekly children's supplement to Le Vingtième siècle. The first issue is published on November 1. 1928年,埃尔热回到布鲁赛尔,他别任命为Le Vintieme siecle报纸的儿童增刊Le Petit vingtieme的主编。11月1日创刊号发行。
1929 On January 10, Tintin and Snowy are "born" in Le Petit vingtième.  1929年1月10日,丁丁和白雪在儿童读物Le Petit vingtieme上诞生.
1930 He creates Quick and Flupke, the rascals of Brussels, who will appear in short self-contained stories in Le Petit vingtième. The first Tintin book is published: Tintin, Reporter, in the Land of the Soviets.  1930年,埃尔热创造了Quick 和 Flupke两个布鲁塞尔坏蛋.他们在Le Petit vintieme上以独立的小故事形
1932 Georges Rémi marries Germaine Kieckens, secretary to the editor of Le Vingtième siècle.  1932年,埃尔热与Le Vingtieme siecle的主编的秘书Germaine Kieckens结婚。
1934 Casterman Publishing House, based in Tournai,
Belgium, becomes the publisher of the Adventures of Tintin.
A meeting with a young Chinese student, Chang Chong-Chen, marks a decisive turning point. Hergé becomes convinced of the importance of a soundly built storyline and of the necessity for documentation. He begins to take seriously what was, until then, just a simple game.  埃尔热开始重视故事主线的重要性和真实背景的必要性.他开始认真对待丁丁的创作,而不再仅仅是一个简单的游戏.
1935 For the French weekly Coeurs vaillants, Hergé creates a new cast of heroes: Jo, Zette, and Jocko.
Five books will be published. 
1935年,埃尔热为发文周刊Coeurs vaillants创造出一些新的人物:Jo,Zette,和Jocko.将出版5本.
1939 As a result of the position taken by Hergé in favor of the Chinese people in The Blue Lotus, Tintin's creator is invited to China by the wife of Chiang Kai-Shek. The imminent war in Europe prevents the trip.  1939年,因埃尔热创作的《蓝莲花》产生的深远意义,《丁丁》的创作者受到蒋介石夫人的邀请.但即将到来的欧洲战争使之不能成行.
1940 On May 10, Belgium is invaded by German troops.
The newspaper Le Vingtième siècle as well as Le Petit vingtième disappear. Tintin in the Land of Black Gold, the episode in progress, is suspended for eight years.
1940年5月10日,德军入侵比利时,Le Vingtieme siecle报和Le Petit vingtieme报停办.《在黑金之国》的创作搁浅,中止了八年.
1942 Casterman Publishing House, aiming thenceforth to publish standardized books in full color (64 pages), asks Hergé to start adapting previous episodes to fit these new guidelines. 1942年,Casterman出版社决定从那时起将《丁丁》以全色(64页)印刷出版发行,并要求埃尔热将以前的版本改成彩色以使全套统一.
1944 The liberation of Belgium on September 3 ends the publication of the Adventures of Tintin in Le Soir. Some consider that by publishing in a newspaper controlled by the German occupation, Hergé has in fact "collaborated" with it.  1944年9月3日,比利时解放,《丁丁历险记》的出版发行被终止.有人认为埃尔热在德占时期还在由德国控制的报纸上发表作品,是与德国合作.
1945 He continues the crucial work on his first books. They will be published one after the other according to the new guidelines.  1945年,埃尔热继续他的紧张创作.根据新的方针,它们将逐一被出版.
1946 On September 26, the first issue of Tintin magazine is published. It is a new weekly created for young people by the old resister Raymond Leblanc.  1946年9月26日,《丁丁》杂志第一期出版.这是一份由Raymond Leblanc的反对派为年轻人创办的.
1950 Having undertaken Explorers on the Moon, an episode requiring careful technical work as well as great documentary precision and extreme attention to detail, Hergé enlists a number of collaborators and founds the Hergé Studios.  1950年,埃尔热完成《月球探险》后意识到:就象历史事实和细节的精确的重要性一样,创作中应技术指数的精确性同样重要.为此,他招募了一些合作者并建立了埃尔热工作室.
1955 Tintin, whose stories are gaining more and more success, is popular enough to be of interest to advertisers. At the same time, Hergé develops a collection of "chromos" in which Tintin plays spokesman for different fields of knowledge.  1955年,丁丁的故事越来越成功,其受欢迎程度引起了广告商的兴趣.同时,埃尔热发展出名叫chromos的合集,让丁丁在其中成为一个不同知识领域的发言人.
1958 The episode Tintin in Tibet is completed despite the personal crisis. 
1960 Tintin goes to the movies. Belgian Jean-Pierre Talbot plays him on the big screen in Tintin and the Mystery of the Golden Fleece. The actor will reappear in 1964 in Tintin and the Blue Oranges. Georges Rémi discovers modern art, and it becomes for him a source of true passion. He separates from his wife.  1960年,丁丁登上银幕.比利时年青演员Talbot在《丁丁和神秘的金羊毛》中饰演丁丁.1964年这名演员在影片《丁丁和蓝桔》中再度出演丁丁.埃尔热发现了这种现代艺术形式,这给他带来了新的创作热情的源泉.同年,他和妻子离婚.
1969 The Studios Belvision of Brussels produce a full-length screen cartoon based on the book Prisoners of the Sun.  1969年,布鲁塞尔的Belvision工作室根据《太阳的囚徒》创作了同名卡通片.
1971 On his first visit to the United States,
Hergé meets some real native Americans. 


1973 Casterman publishes the first volume of the Herg é Archives. Thus the mythical Tintin Reporter of Le Petit vingtième in the Land of the Soviets reappears more than 40 years after becoming unavailable. Hergé visits Taiwan, 35 years after the official invitation extended to him.  1973年,Casterman出版社出版了第一卷埃尔热全集.由此《丁丁在苏联》在绝迹40多年后再度问世.在35年后再度受到官方邀请后,埃尔热出访台湾.
1976 The full-length documentary film I, Tintin, appears on screens. It is dedicated to the hero and his creator. On September 29, a bronze statue of Tintin and Snowy is inaugurated in Brussels.  1976年,纪录片《丁丁》出现在屏幕上.此片主要围绕丁丁和他的创作者.同年9月29日,一尊丁丁和白雪的铜像在布鲁塞尔落成.
1977 Having divorced his first wife, Hergé marries Fanny Vlamynck.  1977年,埃尔热与Fanny Vlamynck结婚.
1979 The American Andy Warhol, king of Pop Art, makes a series of four portraits of Hergé. The "birth" of Tintin is commemorated a little bit everywhere. The 50 year life of Hergé's favorite hero is most notably celebrated by a postage stamp released by the Belgian Post Office, as well as by the Imaginary Tintin Museum and the book Fifty Years of Happy Work, etc.  1979年,美国的现代艺术之王Andy Warhol为埃尔热创作了一系列四幅画像.到处都在庆祝丁丁的生日.这位埃尔热本人最满意的英雄的50岁庆典相当隆重.比利时邮政局为此发行了邮票,同样丁丁博物馆等都举行了庆祝活动.
1981Hergé and Chang Chong-Chen are happily reunited. Chang was the Chinese friend who had inspired The Blue Lotus more than 45 years before.  1981年,埃尔热和张仲仁再度重逢了.张仲仁就是在45年前给予埃尔热《蓝莲花》创作灵感的中国朋友.
1982 To celebrate Hergé's 75th birthday, the Belgian Astronomical Society names a recently discovered planet after him. Planet Hergé is located between Mars and Jupiter.   1982年,为了庆祝埃尔热的75岁生日,比利时天文协会将一颗新发现的行星以他的名字命名.埃尔热行星位于火星和木星中间.
1983 On March 3, Georges Rémi (a.k.a. Hergé) dies. 1983年3月,埃尔热逝世.
1986 Publication of the book Tintin and Alpha-Art, the last and unfinished adventure of Tintin.  1986年,《丁丁和阿尔发艺术》出版.这是《丁丁历险记》的最后一部未完作品.
1987 Following Hergé's desire that Tintin not be given to another illustrator, his wife Fanny decides to replace the still-extant Hergé Studios with the Hergé Foundation.  1987年,根据埃尔热的遗愿,丁丁没有让别的漫画家接手.他的妻字决定用埃尔热基金来取代仍然存在的埃尔热工作室.
1988 In a Brussels metro station, a 6 by 450 foot fresco is inaugurated; it depicts the cast of characters from the Adventures of Tintin, based on a sketch by Hergé. Tintin magazine is discontinued. 1988年,在布鲁塞尔地铁站,450.6英尺高的壁画落成:画像是根据埃尔热的手稿而创作的《丁丁历险记》中的所有角色.《丁丁》杂志停办.
1989 In the National Center of Comic Strips and Pictures in Angoulême, France, a bust of Hergé is inaugurated, courtesy of Chang Chong-Chen. The Hergé Foundation erects a vast exhibit titled Tintin, 60 Years of Adventures. Inaugurated in Brussels, it is expected to tour the world. 

